Songwriting Seminar – Learn to create your own songs fast

The Understanding of Songwriting Seminar ™

The quickest way to write songs in any style

Create your own music, melody, lyrics and chords on the piano or guitar! Become the composer and songwriter you have always wanted to be!

The Understanding of Songwriting Seminar opens the door to creating quality songs by learning how to produce an enormous quantity of songs in weeks not years! Experience a whole new level of competence, creativity & inspiration!​ All the rules of melody and harmony explained simply and with lots of fun. How to add chords to melodies, add melodies to chords, add lyrics to melodies and add melodies to lyrics. How to create songs in many rhythmic styles and everyone writing completed songs in minutes by the end of the seminar!

This seminar is open to anyone who has completed the Understanding of Music Seminar and in 2023 it is being run in January in the USA and a date will be scheduled for later in the year for any German speaking graduate of the Understanding of Music Seminar from anywhere in the world.

Coming in 2023

Understanding the Basics of Singing Seminar™️ will be delivered in Australia, Hungary, Austria and Germany in 2023 as well as in the U.S.A. where English speaking participants are welcomed to join from around the world.

The Understanding of Songwriting Seminar™️ will be delivered in March January 2023 in Australia and all English speaking graduates of the Understanding of Music Seminar™️ are welcomed to join from around the world.

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Understanding of Music Seminars™: New online format and improved materials.

The seminar materials are constantly being reviewed and updated to make them as simple and logical as possible. For example, the newly designed diagrams and text in the latest edition of the Understanding of Music Seminar manual have taken the subject of rhythm to a whole new level of simplicity and graduates are saying the addition of the new 10 day Seminar Review Lessons are a huge improvement to the 100 Daily Lesson Program. The addition of a video clearly demonstrating all the exercises contained in the seminar on both keyboard and guitar has received rave reviews from all graduates of the seminar. Continue reading