The seminar materials are constantly being reviewed and updated to make them as simple and logical as possible. For example, the newly designed diagrams and text in the latest edition of the Understanding of Music Seminar manual have taken the subject of rhythm to a whole new level of simplicity and graduates are saying the addition of the new 10 day Seminar Review Lessons are a huge improvement to the 100 Daily Lesson Program. The addition of a video clearly demonstrating all the exercises contained in the seminar on both keyboard and guitar has received rave reviews from all graduates of the seminar.
The new online Understanding of Music Seminar™ teaches an attendee all the note names on every Western musical instrument (and that is not a misprint), the hidden history of music, every scale and chord on both keyboard and guitar and how to begin to fluently read songbooks for all the artists whose music you have ever wanted to play. The new online Understanding of Reading and Playing Music Seminar™ teaches an attendee all the note names on every Western musical instrument, how to read pitch with the fastest and easiest system ever invented, how to read rhythm, fully understand tempo and meter and how to count rhythm accurately. By the end of the weekend a graduate is reading and playing, hands together, music from Bach on both keyboard and guitar.